Here is a way to Crack Kerala Administrative Service (KAS) Exam. Best Preparation strategy by IAS Aspirants for Success in first attempt.

Kerala Administrative Service is the key to the dream of every Malayalee youth to enter into the bureaucratic system of Kerala. With the right strategy and determination everyone can crack this exam very easily.
For KAS exam we have the expected syllabus and Exam Pattern to start with. With this information, an early start will give you great edge and fetch good marks in the exam. For an analytical and descriptive exam like KAS mere knowledge is not sufficient.Here comes the role of right strategy and KAS Insights will help you to develop your own strategy for preparation.
Now let’s look at the strategy that you need to follow throughout the preparation stage.
1. Know the exam pattern and prepare for as per requirement
The first step is to know the Exam Pattern for KAS exam and prepare according to the needs. There are three stages and each requires a different type of approach.
Prelims Stage is of multiple choice questions but are of analytical type. Rather than understanding the facts, the facts related to the topic are also to be known for attempting the analytical questions.
For Example: If there is news about Hurricane in Indian Ocean, along with the name and affected areas, you should also know the various facts regarding hurricanes, types, classification, how they are formed, etc. The questions asked will be of analytical type where you need to analyse 2 or more statements to arrive at a conclusion.
In Mains exam, the answer is to be written in limited words to the point of the question meeting all demands of the question. The questions will be generally of opinion based and related to current affairs. Thus reading newspaper and developing opinion along with supporting points will meet the demand of the question.
For example: The question may be “Explain how hurricanes are formed in Indian Ocean and how can we reduce the impact of such natural disasters?” For writing answers for such questions broad idea is to be developed by the candidate while reading newspapers and studying related static topics.
Personality Test assess the personality of the candidate where his response to the various issues arising in the country will be the focus area. Thus a clear understanding of the various topics and own views will help you to fetch good marks in the interview stage.
Thus to prepare for KAS, you should develop a comprehensive strategy which meets the demand of each stages of exam. KAS Insights will help you to form such a strategy by providing the resources and guidance by which you will be able to fetch good marks in each stage of KAS exam.
2. Read only the right material and books
The main problem faced by the aspirants is the abundance of resource materials available, which will confuse you every day and finally will lead to lack of focus. Thus selecting the right material and sticking to the material selected is of prime importance. The basic study materials and books are detailed in the Best Books list and reading these books multiple times will fetch you good marks in the exam.
Reading the newspaper and analysing the various issues in the news will help you to develop your own opinion and will be helpful in all the three stages of the exam.
3. Don’t mug up, develop clarity on topics
Each day new topics will be discussed in newspapers and new policies will be initiated by the government which adds up the list topics to study. Thus the aspirants normally tend to mug up the facts and opinions rather than analysing it and understanding the gravity of topics. This will surely lead to a catastrophic failure as the requirement of the exam is not mugging up the facts. Thus you should develop the skill of understanding the various issues and developing conceptual clarity on each topic.
4. Mock tests and Answer writing practice
For attending the analytical type questions which are asked in the preliminary stage of KAS exam, the problem solving skill has to be developed through a number of mock tests. The technique of elimination should be mastered by the candidate to win the race in first attempt. This skill can be developed by attempting mock tests.
The main exam requires crisp knowledge about the question asked and the right set of skills to present it in a catchy manner. As we all know ‘practice makes perfect’, practicing answer writing will give you an extra edge in the exam hall. This will surely be reflected in your final score also.
5. Revision, Revision and Revision
The syllabus is vast and you should have an understanding about each and every relevant topics from exam point of view, thus forgetting what you have learned in the past week or month is very common among students. To overcome this issue, the only solution is proper and frequent revision of concepts.
After reading each topic and understanding the concept, you can make your own short notes which will help you to revise the whole concepts in a very short time. Thus note making will save your time in revision as reading the bulky books again and again will eat your time.
More the revision, more concrete will be the concepts. Thus read only one or two books for each topic and make notes, revise it multiple times. It will be the right strategy for KAS exam.
KAS Insights will help you to formulate the right strategy by providing the right material and guidance from the start of preparation to the success.