Download Previous Years Sample Questions Papers for Kerala KAS Prelims Examination - Kerala Administrative Service

Before preparing for Kerala Administrative Service Examination (KAS), you can check previous years question papers of IAS Examinations and other state's Administrative Service Examination. You can download some sample question papers from this page. This will give you an idea of question pattern.
How will be the questions and exam pattern of KAS?
KAS is the premiere service cadre of the Government of Kerala, in which the officers recruited will be placed in top level gazetted posts. It is a never before opportunity in front of the aspirants to attain the prestigious positions in the Kerala govt serviceBut is it enough to continue the preparation in the way we do for exams conducted by Kerala PSC like University Assistant, Secretariat Assistant etc? The Kerala PSC has not yet released the official notification regarding the pattern of the exam, but a Govt order related to the same says “ the exam will be on the pattern, rigour and the standards adopted by the Union Public Service Commission for the recruitment to Civil Services”.
Let us have a look at the pattern of the Civil service exam conducted by the UPSC. It is conducted in three stages, namely – preliminary test, main test and personality test. A sufficient number of candidates will be eliminated in each stage.
The questions asked in exams conducted by Kerala PSC are of direct type. The candidates have to remember some facts, years, names and even sometimes dates. There are a lot of thumb rules to remember these facts. Frankly, these techniques will have limited role in getting you through the KAS exam. Yes, because it is all about understanding the topics in a broad sense rather than remembering facts.
Our video analyses the questions asked in UPSC exams and other administrative exams of states like Karnataka and Rajasthan. The questions and the pattern is compared with the conventional PSC questions. You will now start to learn how to analyze and develop a detailed idea on the topic by following the different learning methodology. The questions asked in the mains stage are even more interesting. Let us have a stroll through the pattern of questions in different administrative exams…