Art and Culture on Later Vedic Period, Different Vedas, Upanishads during this period
Art and Culture on Later Vedic Period, Different Vedas, Upanishads during this period are discussed here.
By B. C. E 1000, the Aryans started moving towards the Gangetic plain. From the Sapta Sindhu region, the Aryans migrated to the areas adjoining the Gangetic plain by clearing the forests. Tools made of iron helped them a lot in this. Information regarding the life of the Aryans from 1000 to 600 B.C.E from later vedas, namely Atharvaveda, Samaveda and Yajurveda.
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Question and Answers
1. Which of the following is correctly matched?
i) Rigveda - Hymns
ii) Yajurveda - Rituals
iii) Samaveda - Music
iv) Atharvaveda - Medicine
A) i,ii and iii
B) ii,iii and iv
C) i and ii
D) all the above
2. Purusha suktha, in which the varna system of the society was mention is a part of which veda?
A) Rigveda
B) Atharvaveda
C) Yajurveda
3. The national motto ‘Satyameva Jayate’ is taken from which Upanishad?
A) Chhandogya Upanishad
B) Katha upanishad
C) Mundaka Upanishad
D) Prasna Upanishad
4. Consider the statements
A) It is the shortest Upanishad
B) It is a part of Atharva veda
C) The national motto, ‘Satyameva jayate’ is taken from it
D) The subject matter is the conversation between Yama and Nachiketa
Which is the incorrect statement related to Mundakopanishad?
1. D
2. A
3. C
4. D